
IEEE WCNC FlexNets Workshop

ODTÜ WINS Lab, NETAŞ, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, and Campus Universitário de Santiago organized the second IEEE WCNC Workshop on Flexible Networks (FlexNets) on 15 April 2018 in Barcelona Spain. Flexible Networks (FlexNets) solutions have to satisfy varying spatiotemporal application demands while reacting to the always-changing network state thanks to the unpredictable user/traffic density, wireless […]


  Prop 02.7 Virt_Dr_Link_C2C_802.11a(9) Prop 02.6 Wave_Prop_Tunnel(16) Prop 02.5 Vitual_Drive_VHF(19) Prop 02.4 Verif_rural_Car-Car(18) Prop 02.3 Verif_urban_Car-Car(12) Prop 02.2 VD_Verific_BS-Car(24) Prop 02.1 VD_Antenna Model_(26-49) Prop 02.0 Virtual Drive(44-46) Prop 02.0 Virtual Drive(39-46) Prop 01.3 Autom. Com Spectrum(10-23) Prop 01.1 Mobile_Com_Syst_Overv(18-35) Prop 01.0 Introduction(3) Kürner4_High-Speed Railways Kürner3_Coverage Planning and Planning Tools Kürner2_Path Loss Models for Cellular Planning […]

T.C. Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu ev sahipliğinde, 5GTR Forum çalışmaları kapsamında “5G’ye Giden Yolda Otomotiv Sektörü Çalıştayı”, 11 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde Ankara’da gerçekleştirildi.

T.C. Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu ev sahipliğinde, 5GTR Forum çalışmaları kapsamında “5G’ye Giden Yolda Otomotiv Sektörü Çalıştayı”, 11 Mayıs 2017 tarihinde Ankara’da gerçekleştirildi. 5G teknolojisinin en çok kullanılacağı sektörlerden biri olan otomotiv sektörüne ayrılan bu çalıştay ile 5G otomotiv vizyonuyla ilgili eğilimlerin, çalışmaların, planların ve karşılaşılan zorlukların görülmesi ve elektronik haberleşme sektörü ile otomotiv sektörü […]

Talha Koruk presenting his paper “Bio-inspired Bandwidth Packing” in IEEE CCNC 2017 in Las Vegas

Abstract: Sharing channel capacity among sensors or synonymously packing the bandwidth while satisfying quality of service requirements stays as an important challenge. We present bio-inspired solutions to this problem by reducing it to the NP-hard multiple-choice knapsack problem. We employ various bio-inspired population-based meta-heuristics to allocate capacity to the requesting nodes in a sensor network. […]

Can Mehteroğlu presenting his CCNC 2017 paper “Semantic Edge Caching and Prefetching in 5G” in Las Vegas on January 10, 2017.

  Abstract: Recent popularity of mobile devices increased the demand for mobile network services and applications that require minimal delay. 5G mobile networks are expected to provide much lesser delay than the present mobile networks. One of the conventional ways for decreasing the latency is caching the content closer to the end user. However, currently […]

WINSLab Beamer (Presentation and Poster) Templates

The beamer templates for the WINS lab are ready. There are two templates one for presentation and the other for posters. Goto your local /texmf/tex/latex directory. You can find them at the following positions: Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\\texmf\tex\latex\local\ Windows Vista/7 C:\Users\\texmf\tex\latex\local\ Linux ~/texmf/tex/latex/local/ Mac OS X /Users//Library/texmf/tex/latex/local/ Then run git clone in that […]

Logo Design

Author/Designer: Ertan Onur 27/28 August 2016 Ankara Copyright 2016 – infinity This is the logo for the WIreless systems, Networks and cyberSecurity laboratory of the Department of Computer Engineering at Middle East Technical University, The design of the logo is very simple. The abbreviation of the laboratory is written using the “pandora” font. Except […]